Main focus: Holistic health & communicatio
Twitter handle: @HeavenlyAna
Websites/blogs: ,
Languages: German, English
City: Pettenbach
State: Upper Austria
Country: Austria
Topics: intuition, business mediation, health literacy, health, nutrition and body, health communication
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
"Who are you without our believes, experiences and values?" "Who could you BE if you would know your subconscious wisdom consciously?" - Due my own life challenges, I created my own nutrition work as well an own coaching/therapy style which lead me to my PhD & research field of "health framing and communication".
The creative allrounder and multipotentialite worked successfully in different working fields in Austria and abroad. By her interest in corporate communications, marketing, human resources and many other areas of business, she has appropriated an enormous amount of knowledge over the more than 30 years.
Numerous educations at international top-trainers like Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts, Roy Martina and Clinton Swaine.
Internationally active as holistic mentor in health, nutrition and mental health with exceptional resilience methods. The multipreneur and founder of „iMM® – intuitive mentoring method“ and „1-min-coaching-to-go®“ as well „iScriptModelling®“, further developments of NLP, as well as „ORINITION® - n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body.“ – an innovative nutrition work of (re-) membering our own body intelligence. The latest created modell cracking the subconsciousness is „iScriptModelling®“ supporting others unleashing their hidden potentials³. Currently she is working on the LeanHealth4Business model® for more corporate health.
Successfully Master’s degree in health management with focus on public health. International PhD studies & research in the fields of health communication with focus on health economics combined with neuro plasticity and psycho linguistics. Her biggest dream is becoming a family therapist and mediator with focus on supporting people with transgenerative traumatas.
International publisher and author of numerous books in different languages.
Global Author Award 2018 / Nominatee NLP Award in Research 2019 in London.
Brainz 500 Award 2021 and 2022 as well honoree for the Powerhouse Global Awards 2021/2022.
2022 opening her own research center for intuitive science in Austria - HolisticScriptFactory® and THE health|nutrition literacy LAB®.
In her spare time she passionate designs dresses, bags, houses and much more.
With her podcasts, radio show and soon own TV show as well her health magazine she invites experts and people with real stories showing up, being seen, heard and recognized for changing together awareness around the globe!
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
The creative allrounder worked successfully in different working fields in Austria and abroad. By her interest in corporate communications, marketing, human resources and many other areas of business, she has appropriated an enormous amount of knowledge over the last 30 years.
Numerous educations at international top-trainers like Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts, Roy Martina, Eric Pearl, Mark Anastasi and Clinton Swaine. Internationally active as holistic trainer in health, nutrition and mental health with exceptional methods.
Founder of „intuitive Coaching and 1-min-coaching-to-go“, further intuitive developement of NLP, as well as „ORINITION® - n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body.“ – an innovative nutrition work of (re-) membering our own body intelligence.
Successfully Master’s degree in health management in tourism with focus on public health. International PhD & research in the fields health communication with focus on neuro-/psycho linguistics combined with public health, health economics as well as neuro plasticity.
2018 Global Author Award
2019 nominee of the intern. NLP Award in Research
2019 Opening own research center in Austria
"I want you to get excited about who you are, what you are, what you have, and what can still be for you. I want to inspire you to see that you can go far beyond where you are right now." Virginia Satir
This talk is in: English
Was andere über mich und meine Arbeit erzählen...
This talk is in: English
The intention of this podcast is to guide, educate, and inspire corporate employees, leaders, and professionals to open up and access their inner gifts, talents, and abilities. Talking with Bernadette Bruckner about her living, childhood, challenges and much more!
You will hear from guests who have overcome career and life struggles by accessing their true gifts. The gifts that are unique to them and make them who they are and what they value.
Check out the whole podcast series with Aaron Solly:
This talk is in: English
This is MY favorite method for a happy and healthy living! 3 letters changing the world! See here the... 50 shades of AHA!
In English/German with different topics!
This talk is in: English
Je nachdem, wie viele Bewältigungsstrategien du dir im Laufe deines Lebens zugelegt hast, bist du bei einer Krise mehr oder weniger erschüttert. Doch um aus der diesen emotionalen Zuständen zu kommen, in den Lebensfluss zurück zu gelangen, brauchst du mentale Werkzeuge. Gedanken zum Thema #Erste #Hilfe
Initiatorin des Buches „Erste Hilfe für die Seele. Ein Verbandskasten für psychische Selbsthilfe", Bernadette Bruckner entwickelt diese „Notfallbuchserie“ für dich aus eigener Leidensgeschichte.
In diesem Video stellen wir das Buch vor.
01:17 Was genau ist eine Krise?
03:30 Bernadette verrät einen kleinen Sofort-Tipp
06:51 Ausblick auf die nächsten Bücher der "Notfall-Serie"
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This talk is in: German
Today I was invited at the courageous self-care podcast of Christina Marlett - about my story and how I took care of myself beeing simply me. No matter what. Nothing else matters. Have a great listening!
This talk is in: English
Resilience methods – adaptive coping strategies
Everyone deals with stress and emergency situations differently. Freezing, reacting aggressively or running away are patterns learned but never unlearned. Those patterns lead to emotional decisions rather than rational ones. „No matter in which environment we live and which background we have – resilience always helps us develop a coping strategy. Such a strategy is sustainable but should always be adapted. After all, we are in constant development and change – and new situations require new methods. Moreover, individual measures help us detach ourselves from so-called gurus who preach the one and only solution or method. Our book features texts by ‘Walk-the-Talk’ people, i.e. people who have been in dire situations and managed to help themselves. What has worked for us, can work for others, too”, says Ms. Bruckner.
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Resilienz Methoden – adaptive Bewältigungsstrategie
Jeder Mensch geht anders mit Stress- oder Notfallsituationen um. So sind Reaktionen wie Starre, Aggressivität oder Davonlaufen Muster, die erlernt und nie abgelegt wurden. Eben jene Muster, die nicht zu rationalen, sondern zu emotionalen Entscheidungen führen. „Egal welches Umfeld und welchen Hintergrund man hat – Resilienz verhilft zu einer Bewältigungsstrategie für sich selbst. Nur so entwickelt man nachhaltige Strategien, die man aber stets adaptieren sollte. Denn wir entwickeln uns weiter und neue Situation bedürfen neuer Methoden. Der weitere Vorteil von individuellen, auf die jeweilige Person angepassten Maßnahmen ist das Losgelöstsein von sogenannten Gurus, die die einzig wahren Lösungen und Methoden predigen. In unserem Buch kommen ‘Walk-the-Talk-Menschen‘ zu Wort. Also jene, die schlimme Situationen selbst durcherlebt haben und daher wissen wovon sie reden, weil sie sich selbst aus ihren Notfällen rausgeholt haben. Denn was bei uns funktioniert hat, kann demnach auch bei anderen funktionieren.“, so Bruckner.
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This talk is in: English
An introduction of Bernadette Bruckner MA PhD.c. - her life, her work, her passion„Who is never willing to accept even a bigger task than he/she is able to meet, will never make everything, what he‘s/she‘s capable.“ C. C. McIntosh /
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This talk is in: English