Podiums are predominantly occupied by men. It is time for women to become active in order to change this.
The online platform ooe.speakerinnen.org offers women who want to contribute with their opinion and knowledge on stage at events a platform to become more visible. At the same time, this database should help all event organizers to find qualified female speakers.
By collaborating with speakerinnen.org Upper Austrian women are made visible at home and abroad as experts, speakers and representatives.
The project is made possible by KOMPASS, the competence centre for maternity leave and careers on behalf of the Women's Department of the Province of Upper Austria and the Women's Advisor of the Provincial Government, Mag.a Christine Haberlander, in cooperation with the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce.
Far too often we experience that on the stages of events mainly men who are invited as experts. "There are no suitable women" and "It is too difficult to find female speakers" are often put forward as justifications. We need a balanced gender ratio on stage. If we do not use the knowledge and experience of female professionals, we are wasting 50 percent of the available resources to us. The male-female ratio among the presenters should be as equal as possible in the future because events need to become more diverse.
Women are better educated nowadays than ever before and yet are underrepresented in significant social and economic positions. Initiatives such as the ooe.speakerinnen.org bring female experts from Upper Austria and their achievements into the limelight and support the breakup of gender based stereotypes. Only when female competencies become visible, awareness for more equality will grow.
There are many amazing women in economy, science and society, but they are not sufficiently visible. Particularly young women need prominent female role models who give them guidance and encourage them to present themselves as experts and share their knowledge with others.
Expertise and competence know no gender. Nevertheless, there are far too few women at domestic conferences and lecture stages. Especially for the younger generations, it is vital to consume a balanced and coherent set of opinions. The database ooe.speakerinnen.org wants to inspire and enable new female speakers and to provide a prominent platform for further female role models.